Whether you like to have the latest and greatest in smartphones and tablets, or your device is ten years old and no longer holds a...
Miscellaneous Insights
Pros and Cons of Buying a Vacation Home
Do you dream of buying a vacation home? Maybe you’re reading this after spending a wonderful day on the beach and dreaming about how...
Celebrate the Importance of World Password Day
It may not result in a parade or a reason for suspending alternate side parking, but the first Thursday in May (May 5 this year) is...
How to Protect the Identity of Your Late Loved Ones
It may be stating the obvious, but criminals have no shame. They will steal from the rich and the poor. They will steal from the...
What Do Rising Interest Rates Mean for Your Money?
On March 16, 2022, the Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) of the Federal Reserve raised the benchmark federal funds rate by 0.25%...
Miscellaneous Insights, Tax Planning
Watch Out for These Common Tax Scams
According to the Internal Revenue Service (IRS), tax scams tend to increase during tax season and times of crisis. Now that tax...
Black Friday and Cyber Monday: Are they so different?
The day after Thanksgiving has been dubbed Black Friday. Black Friday has kicked off the holiday shopping season for decades, with...
Support Local Business on Small Business Saturday
Black Friday marks the start of one of the busiest shopping periods of the year. Small Business Saturday, which is always the last...
Financial Planning, Miscellaneous Insights
Think Small. It Could Have Big Rewards.
Big ideas and significant accomplishments tend to get the headlines, but to actually get things done, you might need to think small....
Financial Planning, Miscellaneous Insights
Sitting Down with Fee-Only Financial Advisor Howard Hook
We sat down with Howard Hook, Principal and Senior Wealth Advisor at EKS Associates. His responses are lightly edited for brevity....
7 Tips to Help You Manage Your Money
A lot goes into managing one's finances. Missteps can result in everything from missed opportunities to penalties that must be paid....
Podcast Recommendations
First, there were newspapers. About 100 years ago, radio became the hot new thing, followed by television, cable (with its seemingly...