Sustainable, Responsible and
Impact Investing (SRI)
Sustainable, Responsible, and Impact Investing (SRI) is an investment strategy which seeks to consider long-term financial returns as well as allowing investors to make a positive impact on social, environmental, and governance practices.
SRI has gone by many names through the years, including:
- Values-Based investing
- Ethical investing
- Green investing
- Environmental, Social, Governance (ESG) investing
- Socially Responsible Investing
The History of Socially Responsible Investing (SRI)
Most people live their lives based on a set of values they consider to be important; values that drive the majority of their actions. For clients who wish to incorporate their personal values and societal concerns into their investment philosophy and decisions, we recommend Sustainable, Responsible, and Impact Investing (SRI).
SRI investing, known by many names over the years, provides an opportunity to use one’s values system as the basis of their investment plan. It is not a new concept and can be dated back to the 1700s, although it gained most of its traction in the 1970s and 1980s with the Dow Chemical protests and Anti-Apartheid movement. There is currently more than $12 Trillion invested in SRI strategies.
How a Socially Responsible Portfolio is Created
When SRI began, it concentrated on excluding certain companies from a portfolio, which could be any company or sector that conflicts with your values.
Today, SRI focuses on more inclusionary practices, encouraging people to invest in companies that are taking proactive measures to do the right thing. Decisions are often based on choosing personal causes, such as faith-based initiatives, environmental concerns, and social values, as well as addressing beliefs about issues like corporate governance, community development, and shareholder advocacy, to name a few.
The primary goal of SRI investments is to invest in sustainable companies that conduct their business in a positive and responsible way, while also seeking to provide long-term growth via appreciation and capital gains.
Separating Fact from Fiction
There are many myths surrounding Sustainable and Responsible Investing that often deter people from pursuing this strategy. It is indeed possible to align your investment strategy with your personal values and financial goals, without sacrificing returns and diversification.
A strong advocate of socially-responsible, values-driven investing, Darren Zagarola, CFP®, CPA, PFS has authored many articles and appeared on various TV and radio financial programs about this topic over the last few years. Contact him using the form below to learn how you can make a difference in the world by more conscientiously choosing where and how to invest.
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The financial plans we develop are comprehensive and designed to help you achieve and maintain financial independence. The plan is driven by your needs and goals.
Request a discovery call today. Share your priorities and concerns with us. We welcome the opportunity to explain our approach. You will clearly see how our fee-only financial planning process can help you achieve your short- and long-term goals.
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